All the roads in our Lion Mountain community are owned and maintained by the Lion Mountain Owners Association. Our roads are one of our most important assets. They are in constant need of maintenance and repair, as well as snowplowing during the winter months. LMOA has excellent subcontractors to accomplish these tasks.
In 2016, Lion Mountain Owners Association commissioned Paul Wells and WMW Engineering to develop a comprehensive, detailed study of all of the Lion Mountain roads with an ongoing ten-year plan for scheduling sealing, chip sealing, overlaying and maintaining our road system. The study has been invaluable in assisting the Board and the Road Committee in projecting the timing and cost of road repairs and maintenance expenses.
The road system in Lion Mountain is split into two sections: below the Lion Mountain Ranches gate and beyond the Lion Mountain Ranches gate. The distinction is an important one when it comes to Owners’ payments for our road expenses. The costs of road maintenance and snow-plowing of all roads below the Ranches Gate are shared equally between all Lion Mountain Owners, including those Owners with properties above the Ranches Gate. All road costs beyond the Ranches Gate are paid solely by Ranches Owners.